To Anyone Having Problems With Others Supporting AJ
This is something I just have to say to everyone, whether you are in support of AJ and the BSB or are against them. If you are against or unhappy with what is going on involving AJ I want you to pay close attention to what I have to say.
I have read on all the chats , message boards, whatever, things being written that are from kids, teens and probably adults that are so horrible. I just cannot believe people can say such horrible things about a man who has gone in front of millions of people and admitted that he has a alcohol/depression /anxiety problem and is in deep need of help to get better so he can be a better person and be able to give a little something to this world again. I am finding most of the comments are about why is everyone making such a big deal about it just because he is famous, how can people support him , still care for, and look up to him so much when all he is is an alcoholic, and why no one cares about all the other people like him in the world.

Well for one , these all kind of go together, as they BSB have said that others had advised them to lie about this, and the 'suits' did get out it was because of Nicks' hand early Monday morning, but what did the boys then do ? They went against their advisors and whoever because they knew that honesty is the best policy, they also knew they could depend on us, their loyal fans, to support them in all they do.

So they went to TRL, not the news channel not some talk show, but TRL, where they knew they could get in touch with us, all their fans, and tell us the truth because they trusted us with this information, and not because they wanted to make a big deal about it, they wanted to let everyone especially young people know that even though we put them up on a very high pedestal that they are only human and make mistakes. I wish I could tell them that we keep them on that high pedestal(even though deep down we all know they really are just humans and do make mistakes{OMG did I say that!}) mainly because we just like to look at them, right guys( hey a little humor was needed here,lol).

But really, I think right now they do belong up there as they showed that they are different and better than a lot of other adults by doing the right thing and telling the truth about AJ's disease. I heard them say that they are hoping to somehow help others realize that there are a lot and thousands of others out there that suffer from this same disease that need help and just hide behind the bottle. These people need to realize that they need to first need to admit they have a problem, as AJ did, and then go to someone and get help for it, which AJ did. You should not be ashamed to admit something like this because to admit it takes a lot of guts, in fact it takes a very stong person to admit it and go to someone they love and tell them they need help. And for this we all should admire AJ and all the other people that have made this decision, we should support them however it is we can, and just because AJ is getting all this attention and support because he is famous, should not turn people into heartless, uncaring whatever they are, that just feel the need to go onto a message board or whatever to vent their own angers and frustations about having problems (which they do if they are this heartless) and about how no one cares about them.

Well they need to be told that maybe if they ever tried to show some kind of human behavior to others they would find others more attentive to their needs. These people writing these things are also in need of help, I hope you all know, and arguing with them only makes them feel better, as it makes them feel like they are making all the people arguing with them unhappy, which is what they want, they want everyone to be unhappy like them.
So next time you see this kind of venting by a very unhappy and unloved person, write back ,"Hey I know you are hurting, but try praying to God and ask Him for the strength to admit you have a problem with human emotions and then the strength to go out and find help to correct the problem, and then maybe you will be able to live a better life for it. But I love you anyways and will pray for you." and leave it at that.
The majority will not do this though because they are used to living in an unhappy,lonley world, which is very sad and which will lead them to exactly where AJ was when he finally admitted to having a problem and asking for help, I am sure he prayed to God for the strength to get to this decision and I know he will continue to do so.
I pray for him and anyone with any kind of problem or disease to find the strength through the prayer in God, for God really does answer all our prayers, maybe not how you want them answered sometimes, but in what He feels is the best for you so you can learn and become a better person. But I guarantee if you pray to Him for the strength to do something He will give it to you. You just have to have faith!
Well back to the problem others are having with why everyone still looks up to him even though he is an alcohloic. I can tell you why and you probably won't agree just for the fact that we have already discovered all the people writing these bad things about him are in deed sick and in need of help so they will not understand what the BSB and AJ are trying to do by being honest about all this.
So if you missed it before I will tell you again they are trying to get the word out to everyone that there is a lots of others out there that need help and for those of you that say oh others can't afford all the counselling and getting to go to a rehab and etc. , etc,. bull sh*t is all I have to say(sorry )but there is so many places that anyone can go for help, all they need to do is ask.
There is no need to think that just because you are not rich and famous you will get any different treatment, or no treatment at all, than someone who 'has it all'. Anyone that has a disease or problem,no matter what, is treated with the same medicines and therapy, and just because you are not famous doesn't mean a Doctor isn't going to use the proper treatment on you. Just thinking this is so ..well all know what type of people are thinking crap like this anyways.

Oh something else I have read about how AJ could say he loved us fans and let himself become an alcohloic, well a person doesn't become an alcoholic to hurt anyone, they become one to try to ease the pain of something that makes them unhappy or is hurting them. Hurting others is just like a bad side effect of being an alcoholic and fortunately AJ realized he had this side effect at an early stage because the boys said that he had just started getting to where he was hurting them and others . This is something else to admire him for because I have seen hundreds of alcoholics that have lived for years with this bad side effect to abuse others before they even realize they have it, and then a most never even admit to having it or try to get help for it, which is why so many people are abused. So I say that this is just another reason to praise AJ.

And for the questions that ask why is everyone still keeping AJ and the rest of the boys on their pedestals? Because once again they have proved they belong up there. They took a big chance telling the truth to the world, does anyone realize that? They could have lost a lot, in fact they could have lost their lifes' work , they could have lost what it is they were put on this earth to do, and that is to make others happy with their beautiful voices. They took a big risk in lieu of this, just to try to help others that need to learn that it is ok to admit you have a problem and it is ok to go to someone and ask for help.

So, if being honest and putting everything you have at risk just to try and help others is not worthy of having people look up to you then I do not know what is. I admire and appreciate these young men for showing all the people of the world that it is ok to be human and make mistakes, as long as you get help to fix the mistake/problem and learn from them, and also to show us that in the end honesty is the best policy, and I wish for all of you that do not fully understand what is really going on here, well all I have to say is, "Hey I know you are hurting, but try praying to God and ask Him for the strength to admit you have a problem with human emotions and then the strength to go out and find help to correct the problem, and then maybe you will be able to live a better life for it. But I love you anyways and will pray for you."